Saturday, December 7, 2024

Phoenix First Contact


A few days ago this  arrived, a 152 piece brick model of the first warp ship built by humans that led to the First Contact with the Vulcans shortly after its maiden warp flight.

Not before some truly epic battles with the Borg, definitely not swedish, and their queen, of course.

The first flight of the Phoenix: Magic Carpet Ride.


Let's Rock 'n' Roll.


Friday, November 8, 2024

Turn the Bright Lights On

You know, I think it's gonna be alright
Tonight, tonight, tonight, yeah
You know, I think it's gonna be alright
You know, I think it's gonna be alright
Just take me back and let me sing my song
Turn the bright lights on






Monday, November 4, 2024

U.S. (S)Election Theater

Regarding this very strange (s)election process currently going on in the US:

May I remind everybody of what happened in the 2000 "election."
George Bush was announced as the winner before all votes had been actually counted in Florida. As his lead had shrunk to about 2100 votes there were still over 6000 mail-in votes not counted and a recount of all Florida votes was imminent. The Republican-dominated Supreme Court then ruled that there would be no recount and also that the late mail-in votes (for example from overseas soldiers) were not eligible.
All in all Al Gore received more votes than Bush nation-wide and probably would have also won the state of Florida, thus becoming president. But he wasn't allowed to, so he didn't.

I'm not saying things would have turned out differently under Gore but we all know what happened with Bush as president.
9/11 happened, with the entire Bush administration up to their necks in it, followed by the wars against Afghanistan and Iraq and the PATRIOT act that allowed mass surveillance of all Americans and most of the rest of the world.

The man responsible for all debris, especially the steel beams and structures from ground zero in NYC to be removed within mere days before they could be examined by scientists and forensic criminalists was the mayor of New York. Clearly that material was not to be examined and become part of the investigation.
And there is good reason for that, this video here is well worth watching as it shows some incredible things that happened to the WTC buildings and may explain why there was so little left of them.
Where did the towers go? All signs point to dustification by use of directed energy weapons.

And we don't want the unsuspecting world to find out about such things now, do we?
Certainly not when we are trying to tell a totally different story.

[Edit: the above video has since been removed from YouTube and also from BitChute unfortunately in the last 4 years.]

So who was the mayor of New York City who ordered the evidence to be removed as quickly as possible?
None other than Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump's lawyer, who is now proclaiming that "the elites are trying to steal the election."
Judging by his past actions it should be clear to everybody that Mr. Giuliani is part of the very same "elite" that he now accuses of wrongdoings. He is a criminal and an accomplice of the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks, make no mistake about it.

After the Bush regime and its crimes we got Barrack Obama of course.
Before he was even sworn into office the Nobel Prize committee had already awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize. What had he done to warrant that prize? At the time of the awards absolutely nothing. And afterwards even less. In 2011 he ordered the attack on Libya, starting a war to enforce regime change in an up until then prosperous and mostly peaceful country. Not in the interest of the Libyan people but for solely "elite" reasons, like installing a new central bank controlled by their cartel. And a few other reasons as well.

Next came the participation in the civil war in Syria and of course the drone war that is still taking place all over the world where people get killed by drone strikes that the media will not report about.
So no, a Democrat president didn't do much different than his predecessor.
Say what you like about Donald Trump as president, at least he refused to get goaded into starting a war with Iran after the two false flag attacks had been staged. Which Hillary Clinton would have done with absolute certainty.

But at the same time don't overlook the fact that while he didn't start a new war he signed a treaty with Saudi Arabia that will net the Military Industrial Complex 100 billion dollars in arms and weapons trades. He didn't start a war, he just outsourced it. The MIC still profits immensely from his doings.

It should be quite obvious by now that both Democrats AND Republicans are part of and a product by the "Deep State", just like the overwhelming majority of their members, supporters and voters are normal and wonderful people who are not in on the goings-on.
There is no "these are the good guys and those are the bad guys" here.
I mean, one of the first things Trump did as president was the big tax reform which lowered taxes for billionaires and corporations immensely. For example Amazon made a profit of 12.4 billion dollars in 2018, paid zero taxes and instead got a TAX REFUND of 154 million dollars.
"Draining the swamp" that is not.
To afford these tax cuts for the super-rich taxes for the common man and woman will rise significantly, starting in the year 2025. Guess who was not expecting to be president in 2025 - Donald Trump.Too bad the other side "won" the 2020 election.

So what we're basically witnessing here right now are two criminal factions of the same crime syndicate fighting it out for supremacy, and like it or not neither side has the people's interest at heart. Sorry, folks.

Until the entire crime syndicate is brought down it is not relevant who you vote for and who wins an "election." They all support the same end goal, and Freedom for mankind is not part of that.

Which is why we have to keep up the good fight to take down the entire syndicate and its inhuman system.
And we will be victorious.

Everything will be all right.

As It Should Be

Love, Light, Unity, Peace, Freedom and Ascension for All


Thursday, April 25, 2024

Forbidden Opinion


For obvious reasons another one of my comments over on did not get approved.
That makes it about 60 to 100 in the last 10 years.

"I was surprised when the existence of other universes was revealed to me. The Light Forces have given me intel about 25 years ago that all other Universes have been integrated into this one. In the meantime, new Universes were discovered to exist and very recently I was made aware of these."

Very obviously the intel from 1999 was false. And not just because "new Universes were discovered."
According to what My Higher Self has told and shown me in recent years, this Universe we live in is a very young one. Integrating others into this Universe, when it clearly is not near completion of the cycle of transforming darkness into Light, doesn't make any sense.

Either way, when the "sources" of your "intel" are wrong about the existence of a FEW THOUSAND UNIVERSES, it should be obvious to anybody with a functioning brain that none of the other "intel" can be trusted.
That is sad, but it is true.

It's been a nice ride, but that blog has lost any and all credibility.

I'm sorry. I love you.

Friday, November 12, 2021

System Of Life

All that we are seeing in this 3D outside matrix world at the moment are symptoms.  
The symptoms of an illness. An illness of the System Of Life on this planet. It is caused by a parasite that has befallen Earth, Gaia, thousands of years ago. That parasite is called the forces of darkness.
And they were lured here because Gaia has the terminal cure for this cancer called darkness that only takes and takes and sucks the energies out of everything it comes in contact with.

And with the World being in a more than unacceptable state with things figuring to only get more dire by the day for most of humanity, it is Time.
Time to remove the cancerous parasite from the System Of Life and fix the damage caused by aeons of darkness once and for all.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Love Meditation

The Universe is asking you to ask Her for Help.
Please do this short meditation whenever you feel like it and as often as you feel like.
Suggested time is whatever you want it to be. 10 seconds is as good as 10 hours.

Das kreative Universum (Seite 9) - Allmystery

Bring yourself into a relaxed state of mind where you feel calm, centered and at peace.

Close your eyes and envision the whole Universe in its toroidal shape with the Universal Sun in the "middle" and all Galaxies moving around it in the everlasting Cycle.

Envision the Universal Sun pulsing, sending out a beam of Pure Light and Love all across the Galaxies, stars, planets, moons and asteroids.

Envision that Pulse reaching our Solar System and planet Earth, flooding the entire planet with the overwhelming feeling of Loving and Being Loved.

Envision each and every single being, physical or spiritual, on, in and around this planet, Gaia, feeling the Love of the Universe, feeling Pure Love. Many of these beings for the very first time in millennia, many of them for the first time ever.
See their mouths open and their eyes growing wide as they feel something for the very first time. That they never could imagine before.

Envision the most hardenend, blackened hearts and souls slowly then suddenly Light Up with Love. See the most selfish, greedy and ruthless beings stop what they are doing and realize the Power Of Love . And the Error Of Their Ways.
See them abanodoning their mission that they have been on for dozens, hundreds, thousands, millions of Earth years and saying "No More."

See them turning around to their followers and underlings and telling them "No More."
See those supporters saying, by their own Free Will, and not because they were ordered to "No More."
See all those beings that we perceive as being dark and evil, who have done unspeakable things, break down in tears and vow to change their ways forever.

See them all say "I am sorry."
And see the Source, the Central Universal Sun say to every being, every soul: "I know. I Love You."

And see The Flash Of Love light up the Universe.

YOU are Creators, and the Creator wants you to join in Creating.
And if you feel like it, please go ahead and share this little message with others.

Thank you.