Thursday, April 1, 2021

Love Meditation

The Universe is asking you to ask Her for Help.
Please do this short meditation whenever you feel like it and as often as you feel like.
Suggested time is whatever you want it to be. 10 seconds is as good as 10 hours.

Das kreative Universum (Seite 9) - Allmystery

Bring yourself into a relaxed state of mind where you feel calm, centered and at peace.

Close your eyes and envision the whole Universe in its toroidal shape with the Universal Sun in the "middle" and all Galaxies moving around it in the everlasting Cycle.

Envision the Universal Sun pulsing, sending out a beam of Pure Light and Love all across the Galaxies, stars, planets, moons and asteroids.

Envision that Pulse reaching our Solar System and planet Earth, flooding the entire planet with the overwhelming feeling of Loving and Being Loved.

Envision each and every single being, physical or spiritual, on, in and around this planet, Gaia, feeling the Love of the Universe, feeling Pure Love. Many of these beings for the very first time in millennia, many of them for the first time ever.
See their mouths open and their eyes growing wide as they feel something for the very first time. That they never could imagine before.

Envision the most hardenend, blackened hearts and souls slowly then suddenly Light Up with Love. See the most selfish, greedy and ruthless beings stop what they are doing and realize the Power Of Love . And the Error Of Their Ways.
See them abanodoning their mission that they have been on for dozens, hundreds, thousands, millions of Earth years and saying "No More."

See them turning around to their followers and underlings and telling them "No More."
See those supporters saying, by their own Free Will, and not because they were ordered to "No More."
See all those beings that we perceive as being dark and evil, who have done unspeakable things, break down in tears and vow to change their ways forever.

See them all say "I am sorry."
And see the Source, the Central Universal Sun say to every being, every soul: "I know. I Love You."

And see The Flash Of Love light up the Universe.

YOU are Creators, and the Creator wants you to join in Creating.
And if you feel like it, please go ahead and share this little message with others.

Thank you.